Friday, December 6, 2019

Family Holiday Paint Night December 5, 2019

This is the first time for this event for the PTSA, and I have to say it was a huge success! As you will see in the pictures that follow, children and parents could not stop smiling. Some parents actually said they would love to have an event like this as a Parents Only event, because they found the painting so relaxing. It was so wonderful to see the parents and the children painting together, sometimes on the same  piece, sometimes side by side, carrying on conversations, laughing, having fun, enjoying each others company. 

If you are going to download any of the photos, click on it first to be brought to a larger view of the photo, then download it. This will give you the best and largest resolution of the photo, especially if you  plan on printing or sharing the photo. 

 The guests arrive right on time!

 There are so many things to choose from!

Samples of how they might look once glazed.  

After picking out your under glaze colors, it's time to get busy. Each color requires 2-3 coats. The more coats, the brighter the color will be after it gets fired in the kiln. 

Sixth graders were on hand selling water and snacks.

A clear glaze will be put on each piece at the studio to each piece will be nice and shiny, and if a spot gets missed, it will be covered by clear glaze. 

The cafeteria was packed!

 After the 3 coats of under glaze were applied, it was off to the drying and bagging station. You needed to make sure each piece of art was completely dry before placing it in its individually labeled bag. The completed piece will be sent back to Art Signals Studio to be fired, clear glazed, and fired a final time before being sent back to Whitney in about a week's time. Those elves at the studio will be working overtime to get all of these amazing pieces of art done for us, but it will definitely be worth it. 

Once fired in the kiln, these colors will be nice and bright!

Lots of fun at the Sand Art Table!

This one blew my mind!

 Once the dust settled and all the happy families had gone home, the hard working volunteers had a chance to sit down and glaze a few pieces too!

I only wish I could see some of these pieces once they are returned from the kiln. If you are reading this and you came to the event, I would really love it if you would post some photos of your family's pieces in the comment section on the Whitney Facebook page. 

I hope the PTSA does this event again next year, it really was fun, and as you can see from the looks on the faces in the blog, everyone who attended thought so too!

As you can see from these photos below, some of the parents have posted photos on the facebook page, so I am posting them below. The PTSA really needs to do this event again! It was so much fun, it is guaranteed to sell out next year!
A Basciano-Cook collaboration. I take no credit
for the photo. 

Gabby grade 4

Will's candy dish

The Rodrigues Family creations

The Gramling Family creations

The Clark Family creations

Natalie, kindergarten

Owen, first grade

Andrew, kindergarten

Kathy, mom

Ayden, 2nd grade

Colin, 1st grade

Ben, 3rd grade

Olivia, 1st grade
Miles, 3rd grade

Family Holiday Paint Night December 5, 2019

This is the first time for this event for the PTSA, and I have to say it was a huge success! As you will see in the pictures that follow, c...